I commented in yesterday’s video that going back to a Logitech G920 from the Simucube 2 Ultimate and Motion Platform felt like going back in time, but just how much faster can I go with my rig compared with a basic Logitech G920 setup?

Today we find out!

In today’s video, I complete back to back 6 lap tests around New Hampshire Motor Speedway Road circuit in a Skip Barber in iRacing, fist with the Logitech setup, then back in my normal rig (which I haven’t used for over a week for Skippies) to see how much difference there is both in terms of best lap times, as well as consistency.

Finally, we compare the telemetry from each run using VRS to see where the time is being gained and lost.

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Grab your Logitech G920 HERE:
US: https://amzn.to/2nf5I73
UK: https://amzn.to/2oW3ERK
GER: https://amzn.to/2nr3jWD

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