Every day I see cars covered in swirl marks. Not only does it look horrible, but it’s completely unnecessary. Follow the simple techniques explained in this video and keep your car looking pristine and swirl free!


Wash as much dirt off the car as possible BEFORE touching it with a sponge!
One of the biggest causes of swirl marks is scrubbing the car with a sponge that’s caked full of dirt and grip. You may as well use sandpaper to clean your car. Using a high pressure hose, wash as much dirt as you can off the car, working from top to bottom. If you have a foam sprayer, this can assist even further with a sponge-free wash.

Use two or more Microfibre sponges
Never touch your car’s paintwork or plastics with the same sponge you use yto clean your wheels or underbody. Brake dust is extremely abrasive and will scratch it.

Use two buckets
One to get the sponge soapy, another to clean the dirty water off it. Never mix the two together. Just take a look at the colour of the water in the rinse bucket once you’re done and you’ll see what I mean.

Work from top to bottom in straight lines (no scrubbing or swirling)
Gravity is your best friend. Get as much soapy water as possible on to the sponge and work from the top of the car down, allowing the water to wash the dirt down towards the bottom of the car.

Let the sponge do the work!
You souldn’t have to apply any pressure at all to the sponge for it to pick up the dirt. Stains, tar spots, etc should be trated seperately by a detailer. Don’t scrub at them. You’ll do more harm than good.

Use Microfibre Towels
Using a microfibre towel, dry the car from top to bottom, again using straight lines and letting the towel do the work. If you come across a dirty part you missed while washing, DO NOT be tempted to just rub it off with the towel. The twoel has far less lubrication than your sponge, and will do a much better job of scratching your car if you allow it to.